Call for papers
Paper proposals (not to exceed a single A4 sheet – bibliography included) should be sent to: OU
Deadline for submission: 31 May 2013
Call for papers
A one-day symposium on Modality and implicated evaluation (a posteriori modalization) will be held at the University of Perpignan – Via Domitia on Friday, 27 September 2013, with the support of the research laboratories VECT – Mare Nostrum (Université de Perpignan) and CRIDAF (Paris 13).
- Larreya, Paul. 2009. Towards a typology of modality in language, in: R. Salkie, P. Busuttil, J. van der Auwera. [link]
One-day symposium on 27 sept. 2013 :
Modality and implicated évaluation
A posteriori modalization
The main focus of the symposium will be on modality and implicated evaluation – subjective, appreciative meanings connected to the expression of modality. Of particular interest will be instances in which speakers comment on (root/epistemic) modal judgements expressed while it is understood that the state-of-affairs (/situation) has been actualized or is counterfactual (i.e. when dealing with a posteriori modalization or “retrospective” modality). Why should some modal meaning be expressed – modality pertaining to potentiality and uncertainty – while it is obvious that the state-of-affairs has been actualized or is counterfactual?  [Read next]
Le VECT est une équipe mixte
de l'Université de Perpignan Via Domitia (UPVD).
Lettres et Sciences Humaines
52, avenue Paul Alduy, 66860 Perpignan CEDEX, France
Tél. : 04 68 66 17 77  
E-mail :
Direction : Jonathan Pollock.
Voyages Echanges Confrontations Transformations                                             (Equipe EA 2983)
Appels à communication
. Journée d'étude : Modalité et commentaire & Modalisation a posteriori
. Colloque Ludovia : imaginaires du numérique.
. Colloque AFLS : Perpignan 6-8 juin 2013 : Langue Française mise en relief(s) : aspects didactiques, linguistiques et institutionnels (pdf).
. Hommage à Françoise Haffner : La profusion et l'unité. (pdf).
. Journée d'étude : Claude Simon, Perpignan, 11 octobre 2013 (pdf).
9 - 11 octobre 2013
Journée d'études
Claude Simon
Téléchargez le programme en cliquant sur l'affiche ou le lien pdf !
Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, LSH
52, avenue Paul Alduy, 66860 Perpignan CEDEX, France - Tél. : +33 (0)4 68 66 17 77